1995 - 2001
Boredom is a four piece punkrock band formed in 1995 in St. Augustine, Florida. Best known for their break-neck tempos, hilarious lyrics and their inclusion in Lost Industries seminal 90’s surf flick ‘Lost Across America.’ Their last release was 2001’s ‘Squat Thrust Captain,’ but have reunited for a show every now and again.
Related Artists
Minimum Rage - Harsh Bangs - Curious Markings - Deadaires - Onslaught Dynamo - Terror Management Band
For Lack Of A Better Idea
1 - Lactose Intolerant
2 - Tommy
3 - Boredom
4 - 1234.... (Tony)
5 - Sexual Chocolate
6 - Café Risqué
7 - Sleepy Time
8 - Girl Song
9 - Colorado

Self released CD
Original Artwork

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Streaming on:
Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Music, Google Play, emusic, Shazam, Pandora, IHeartRADIO
'N' Stuff
1- Dumb As Rocks
2 - Sexual Chocolate
3 - Macgregors
4 - Lost
5 - All Good
6 - Café Risqué
7 - Los Demonos
8 - Run Away
9 - Whipped
10 - Cartegena
11 - Skaliday Road
12 - Skeelz

CD on G.F.Y. Records
Original Artwork

Click to Enlarge
Streaming on:
Spotify, Itunes, Amazon Music, Google Play, emusic, Shazam, Pandora, IHeartRADIO
Squat Thrust Captain
1 - Moving On
2 - Danax
3 - Tonys 24 And Still Lives With His Momma
4 - So Long
5 - Helping Hands
6 - Couch Tour
7 - Los Angeles
8 - The Jesus
9 - Dik-Nek Love Song
10 - Wasting Time
11 - Don't Pick On Goth Kids
12 - Lori
13 - Token Rap Song

Grey Van Records
Original Artwork